Jarl-Thure Eriksson
Professor emeritus (Electromagnetic fields and circuits, Tampere University of Technology)
Chancellor emeritus (Åbo Akademi University), Vice-Chancellor emeritus (Tampere University of Technology)
email: [email protected]
Photo: TUT archive, Petri Laitinen
Dirac's Variable Gravitational Parameter G offers a Link between Gravity and Quantum Mechanics. European Journal of Applied Sciences - Vol. 12, No. 4. Publication Date August 25, 2024. doi.org/10.14738/aivp.124.2024
Black Holes as the source of all matter and radiation in the Universe. International Journal of Physics. 2022, Vol. 10, N0. 3, 144-153, 2022
On the Origin of the CMB Radiation. International Journal of Physics, 2021, Vol. 9, No 5, 240-244, 2021
Quantum fluctuations and variable G return Einstein’s Field Equation to its originalfFormulation. International Journal of Physics, 2021, Vol. 9, No 3, 169-177, 2021
The Universe as a quantum leap, the Schrödinger equation links quantum mechanics to general relativity. International Journal of Physics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 64-70, 2020
A combined cosmological and gravitational redshift supports electron- positron annihilation as the most likely energy source of the CMB. International Journal of Physics, vol. 7, no. 1, 2019
The momentum of new matter replaces dark energy and explains the expansion of the universe. International Journal of Physics, Vol. 6, No 5, pp. 161-165, 2018
A modified model of the universe shows how acceleration changes galaxy dynamics. International Journal of Physics, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 38-46, 2018
Impact of information compression on intellectual activities in the brain. International Journal of Neural Systems, vol. 7, No 2 (Sept1996), Permission by World Scientific
Lecture notes
Random Steps in the History of Science. Lecture at Tampere University of Technology, 2011.
Superconductivity Centenary: Nobel Science among Nobelists. Lecture at TUT Summer School June 2011.
Future energy production and consumption. Presentation at the Alandia Energy Day, August 28, 2010.
Complex systems, complex societies and the complexity of the mind. Lecture 9: Cognition, artificial intelligence, neural networks, Aalto University, 2010.
Key Note Speeches, Talks, Blogs
Ryöstöretkien ja kaupankäynnin meri. Itämeren kansojen seikkailut esihistoriallisella ajalla. Centrum Balticum, Pulloposti-blogi, 20.12.2012
Millennium Technology Prize, Conferment ceremonies, Seminars, 2000-2016
Truth and Religion
Språket och staden, Wittgensteins metafor om tänkandets maskineri
Rehtorikauden puheet ja blogit
Tal, anföranden, bloggar, 2011-2014
Åländska forskare och professorer genom tiderna. Föredrag Ålands Kulturfonds höstmöte 2011.
Suomen Innovaatiostrategia 2008, osatutkimus Yliopistot